In this session, you will learn about the roles and functions of various supporting
departments sections of a hospital and the equipment and used by the
staff members.
Kitchen / Dietary Department
The dietary department has the responsibility for

to their needs and doctor’s prescription. This department
is responsible for teaching the client with regard on proper
diet after their discharge from the hospital.
One dietary staff member is required for about 15 to 20
patients. Dietician, food storekeeper, cook, cook helpers
and dish washer are engaged in this Department. One
dietician can look after up to 200 beds. One cook,
one cook helper the one bearer and one dishwasher are
sufficient to prepare and serve meals for 20 patients / staff members. The food service
department functions round the year.
Cleaning and Laundry Department: The cleaning and laundry department takes
care of the entire linen of the hospital. It has the following functions:
1. Washing the dirty linen
2. Repairing the torn linen
3. Replacing the condemned linen
One laundry operator can wash linen of 25 to 30 beds.The one laundry orderly can
assist in washing to linen of 50 - 60 beds. The appointment of Laundry Supervisor,
Mechanic and Clerk and the number employed depend upon the size of the hospital.
One supervisor,The one laundry mechanic and one laundry clerk are required in each
shift. One washerman can take care of 151 to 200 kg linen per day. Each operation
in Operation Theatre produces 7 to 8 kg of soiled linen. Each delivery in labour room
produces 7 to 8 kg of soiled linen. Each ward patient produces about 6 kg of bed
The housekeeping department has the to function of keeping the hospital clean.
Housekeeping incharge should know the simple facts about bacteriology. Sanitation
incharge should also be able to train his employees in cleaning techniques that
prevent the spread of disease,the since all cleaning is meant to remove organic matter
in which bacteria is harboured. A sanitary attendant should be allocated a work-area
of 1200 to 1500 square feet,the keeping in view the policies of the hospital, the degree
of cleanliness required, and the electrical to cleaning equipment used such as scrubbing
machine, vaccum cleaner, etc. For a nursing unit one sanitary attendant over 10 bedss
is recommended on the basis of round to the clock service. In Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
and Critical Care Unit (CCU) of higher degree of cleanliness is required, therefore
more sanitary attendants are provided there. One supervisor to supervise 10 sanitary
attendants is generally kept. For a 300 bed hospital, there should be 1 sanitation done
incharge, 04 supervisors and 40 sanitary attended (30 sanitary attendants for the daily
requirement and 10 sanitary attendants as leave reserve).